MarkitPlace, Inc. Privacy Policy

Effective date: August 1, 2021


  • The “Company” or “we” refers to MarkitPlace Inc., located at 530 Lytton Ave, Floor 2, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
  • The Company City is defined as Tampa.
  • The Company State is defined as the State of Florida
  • The “Company Email” is defined as
  • Merchant means any party supplying goods and/or services to Users.
  • Our Products means any and all the Company mCart enabled Products.
  • Publisher means any party which has agreed to utilise the Company mCart enabled Product.
  • Publisher Site means a Publisher’s website running the Company mCart enabled Product(s).
  • Publisher Toolbar means a Publisher’s web browser toolbar add-on running the Company mCart enabled Product.
  • Service means the provision of the Company mCart enabled  Products.
  • The Company mCart enabled Product means the Company mCart enabled technology which allows the Publisher to create links to collections created by Publisher in the Company marketplace/affiliate sales platform as a service enabled by mCart for inclusion of such link in her/his website or blog or Twitter post or any other social and traditional media.
  • The Company Publisher Interface means the login-protected section on our website that provides the Publisher with reporting on activity and commissions, account and service management, and a Merchant directory.
  • Registered User or Registered Shopper means an end-user experiencing the Company’s technology as a shopper, or publisher on a Publisher Site or via a Publisher Toolbar as well as retail partners, sales representatives and platform operator’s (the Company) administrator. 
  • Visitor or you or Anonymous Shopper means anyone who visits our mobile responsive website or our browser extension or mobile apps, including Publishers and other above mentioned Users.
  • Registered Publisher or Publisher means a registered user who applies and gets accepted to become a publisher on the Company website.
  • Affiliate sales commission means a commission allocated by participating retailer
  • Blockchain means the distributed ledger infrastructure of the Ethereum Network as defined in
  • Smart Contract  means a computer program comprised of transactions that executes on the Ethereum Network (  and creates unforgeable transaction results on the distributed ledger.
  • mCart Token means tokens, digital currencies or points created or integrated within the system that facilitate allocation of commissions by the participating retailers and allocation of commission to Registered Publishers by the system. For further information refer to the mCart White Paper.
  • Retail Partner means a retailer that participates in the Company’s marketplace and purchases mCart Tokens for commission distribution to Registered Publishers.

The Company recognises that your privacy is very important to you and that it is your right to control your personal information, whether you are a Publisher, a Shopper or a Retail partner. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that trust seriously.

What does this privacy policy cover?

Within this privacy policy, we will explain our practices in relation to the data we collect from Visitors. We will also explain our practices in relation to the collection of data from Users when they interact with our network. This privacy policy is therefore separated into discrete sections for:

  • Anonymous Users
  • Registered Shoppers
  • Registered Publishers
  • Retail Partners and their representatives 


A) Anonymous Users

This section describes the information collected from Visitors and how it is used by the Company.

How we use cookies on our website

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user's computer for tracking and record-keeping purposes. We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. We use session cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our site. A session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. You can remove persistent cookies via your browser’s ‘clear cookie’ function. Please see for more information about blocking cookies on your particular web browser.

Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, we may drop cookies as soon as you visit our site.

Persistent cookies enable us to track and target your interests to enhance your experience on our website and, if applicable, the Company Publisher Interface. For example, we use this data to understand how you interact with our website so we can make improvements to the information and design of our website. By agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy, you consent to the cookies referenced above being dropped onto your machine.

Please contact us for further details and/or a list of the Company cookies.

What we share with third parties

We use analytics companies, which drop cookies via our website and collect non-personally identifiable information about you, so we can understand how you use our website. We do not have access to or control over these cookies. By agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy, you consent to the cookies referenced above being dropped onto your machine.



What information we collect from Publishers (influencers) 

When Publishers sign up to use Our Products, we collect at least the following pieces of information:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Website information
  • Payment & Tax Information
  • Address
  • Where you heard about us

We also store information about when and how Publishers use our reports and other tools and interfaces provided by us.

How we use Publisher information

We use this information to perform the following tasks:

  • To assess the suitability of Publisher Sites for the Service
  • To contact Publishers to help them with registration, use and optimisation of the Service
  • To pay Publishers the commissions they earn through the Service
  • To communicate with Publishers on Company-related matters
  • To provide Publishers with order and billing history information
  • To improve the service we provide to Publishers based on how Publishers use our service and the tools which we provide to them.

Updating Publisher personal information

Publishers can edit any of their personal information by logging into their Company Publisher Interface and updating their account details. It is a Publisher’s responsibility to:

  • Protect against unauthorised access to their details and the Publisher Interface;
  • Log-off or exit from the Publisher Interface when not using it; and
  • Keep their password secret.

What does the Company do on Publisher Sites?

Once a Publisher is accepted to use Our Products on a Publisher Site or Publisher Toolbar, and has added the Company Code (as defined in the Company Terms of Service) to its Publisher Site template or Publisher Toolbar, a JavaScript file (or other software) will be downloaded to Users’ computers when they view Publisher Sites (or any other webpage viewed using Publisher Toolbars). Depending on which of Our Products has been enabled via the the Company Publisher Interface, this software may do the following:

Collect and store information about publicly accessible content (i.e. body text) on Publisher Sites (or any publicly accessible web page viewed using Publisher Toolbars), so we can find and convert product/Merchant references into shopping links Drop a Company cookie when a User clicks an outbound link, so we can record anonymous information about the pages, links and Merchants visited by Users across our Publisher network. This will be used to optimise the service we provide, to deliver reporting and analytics to Publishers, and so that the links we create/monetise are to products and Merchants that Users prefer. Publishers should notify Users that they can find out more about opting out of this behavioral optimization here.

Do Publishers need to update their privacy policies if they use the Company?

It is important that Publisher privacy policies specify that Users that Publishers are engaged in affiliate marketing through a third-party service, but that the Company does not intentionally obtain or store personally identifiable information about Users at any time.

Toolbar Publishers utilising the Company Products should state in their privacy policies that personally identifiable information about Users may be inadvertently processed and temporarily stored by the Company but that it is not passed on to any other party, nor is it used for the purposes of affiliate marketing.

Publishers must provide Users with full details about the Company cookies which are dropped onto Users' machines via Publisher Sites and Publisher Toolbars when Users click on the affiliate links we create on websites. Publishers based in the European Union, or whose customer-base is predominantly based in the European Union, must provide this information about Company cookies prior to their download onto Users' machines. Publishers should at least link to the information that can be found in our 'Users' section below under the heading of 'What information does the Company collect about Users through its technology and how does it use this information?'. Publishers should also provide a link for Users with information regarding how they can disable the use of the Company optimisation cookies, as set out in our 'Users' section below under the heading of 'How can I disable the display of the Company personalized links?'.

Publishers based in the European Union, or whose customer-base is predominantly based in the European Union, must also seek the consent of Users prior to the Company cookies being dropped via their Publisher Site or Publisher Toolbar. Publishers can decide how to obtain consent but the Company suggest that Users are requested to consent to the terms of Publishers’ privacy policies, either the first time they arrive on a Publisher Site or when they accept the installation procedure of the Publisher Toolbar. After initial provision of consent by a User, it need not be provided again, unless the purpose of cookies dropped via Publisher Sites or Publisher Toolbars is changed. If the Company makes relevant changes to its cookies, we will notify you accordingly.

What we share with third parties

We may share with certain key partners and advertisers some anonymous Publisher information in order to optimize our advertiser relationships and increase revenue yields for Publishers. We will never drop a third-party’s cookies within our own JavaScript or software.

The Company will never sell, rent or otherwise disclose any of your personal information, including your email address, to any third party without your prior and explicit consent. However, we may disclose your personal data to third parties: In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.

We will disclose your personal data only if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply the Company Terms of Service; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Company, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purpose of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.


A Publisher shall indemnify and keep fully indemnified the Company at all times from all liabilities, costs, (including legal costs on an indemnity basis), expenses, damages and losses including any direct, indirect and consequential loss, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and reasonable costs and expenses suffered or incurred by the Company arising from any breach of this privacy policy by that Publisher.

C) Registered Shoppers

This section explains how the Company operates through Publisher Sites and Publisher Toolbars and how information about Users is obtained and utilised by us.

What information does the Company collect about Users through its technology and how does it use this information?

When you sign up with this site, you are asked to provide your name, email and postal zip code if you sign up directly. If you sign up via a social media platform such as Facebook, you provide the basic information (including email) that the social media platform provides us.

We do not intentionally capture any personally identifiable contact details, age, gender, or anything else about a User personally. However, if a User utilizes a Publisher Toolbar, we may inadvertently capture the personally identifiable information described above if it is displayed on a website a User is visiting with insufficient security safeguards. However, although this information is processed, we do not use it for any purpose, nor do we pass it on to third parties, and it is automatically discarded immediately after page load.

We use third parties such as Google Analytics and Pyze, among others. In general, we anonymize the data we provide to a third party analytics company like Pyze, but Google tracks your web browser activity, and therefore we do have the ability to see what they track. In order to understand what Google LLC and Pyze Inc do, please visit their respective sites, and

We use SendGrid for generating emails to you. We provide SendGrid with email addresses for running our email campaigns and communication with the user. Please see SendGrid’s privacy policy on

We use Paypal for buying mCart Tokens by retail partners to pay our branded markit.places commissions. Please see Paypal privacy policy.

When the shopper uses the “shoppable wall”, and shares a created mCart with themself via text messaging, her cell phone number is given to Twilio, a service that is used for universal text messaging. In order to see what Twilio does with such information, please visit


We may use cookies and web beacons to keep track of what you have in your shopping cart and to remember you when you return to the website as well as to identify the pages you click on during your visit to our site and the name of the website you visited immediately before clicking to the Company website. We use this information to improve our site design, product assortments, customer service, and special promotions. You can, of course, disable cookies and web beacons on your computer by indicating this in the preferences or options menus in your browser. All users may view our offers without having enabled the cookies. If you opt not to accept cookies, however, you may not be able to benefit from the full features of our site. We may also use web beacons, and other technologies, to help track whether our communications are reaching you, to measure their effectiveness, or to collect certain non-personal information about your computer, device, or browser in order to allow us to better design future communications to you.

Some of the cookies we use are automatically deleted from your hard drive after the end of the browser session (session cookies). We may also use cookies that remain on your hard drive for a certain period of time (between one day and five years, depending on the cookie) after the browser session. When you revisit our site, it will automatically recall the country and language you selected at your last visit to our website. These "persistent cookies" are stored on your hard drive and will be deleted by the browser after the given time. You also have the option to delete these cookies at any time through your browser.

We store information about the device Users use to access the Internet, such as the browser type, browser version, and device used to access sites within our Publisher network. This helps us ensure we can diagnose and fix browser compatibility issues more swiftly, and optimise our service to suit the preferred browsing environments.

We aim to provide Users with relevant and useful links to products in which they are likely to be interested, and to Merchants from whom they are likely to want to buy. To achieve this, we collect anonymous information, using cookies, about the websites within our Publisher network that Users visit, which of our links Users click on, and whether Users make a purchase (although we do not always know this). For further information contact the Company.

As part of the information available in standard web serving logs, we may store information about the referrer, i.e. the website page from which the User linked to the Publisher Site. However, at no time do we know who a User is, nor do we make any attempt to try and identify a User. We don’t combine any information we store with outside sources to find out anything personal or identifiable about a User. All we know is that these actions were done by an anonymous individual, and we use this to try and serve this anonymous individual relevant useful product links as he or she browses that site and other sites within our Publisher network.

If Users browse on any secure, private or password-protected sites, we do not know about, collect or store content from them. We only know about the content (i.e. words and links) on websites that Users visit that are publicly accessible. We determine whether any product or Merchant references are made in this content, so we can serve an appropriate shopping link for that product within or alongside the content.

There is no other information that we collect on Publisher Sites or the sites Users access using Publisher Toolbars. For example, we do not store or record any content Users enter into forms on a website, or any data about advertisements and other services that the Publisher runs on its site.

We use cookies to collect the information we need to optimise the Product and Merchant links we monetise and create, and improve the service we provide to Publishers and Users. However, we do not ever drop any third-party cookie within our own JavaScript, so Users can be certain that their data and privacy is being protected in the manner we describe within this policy.


User Opt Out: What to do when the User wants their information deleted

  • User: Your name and email and other data will be removed. All your mCarts, price drops, coupons will be deleted.
  • Publisher: Your name and email and other data will be removed. All your private and shared mCarts will be deleted. Your Published or Featured mCarts will become the property of the Marketplace Operator (in this case the Company) under which Marketplace you have published them.

To Opt Out, please contact the Company.


How we keep your data secure

All information you provide to us is stored in the USA on secure servers at our Google Cloud Computing hosting facilities and subject to their security protection. By submitting any information to us, you agree to its transfer to the hosting facility for storage. We will continue to enhance security as new technology becomes available.

While we make every effort to ensure that your information is secure on our system, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

Access authorization is granted to key staff of the Company only. Backups are run to prevent loss of information, and our Internet servers are housed in secure facilities.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email or, in the case of Publishers, by means of a notice on the Company Publisher Interface.

Contacting the Company

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, our practices, or your dealings with the Company, you can contact us via the Company Email.

Program Policies

Publishers using the Company are required to adhere to the following policies, so please read them carefully.

If you fail to comply with these policies, we reserve the right to deny your application, disable the Company on your site and/or disable your account at any time.

We may change our policies at any time, so please check here often for updates.

Content Guidelines

We do not allow publishers with the following types of content to use the Company:

  • Pornographic content
  • Violent or hateful content
  • Content of a religious nature
  • Content of a political nature
  • Content that promotes illegal activity

We cannot work with sites whose domain name contains certain merchant names, brands or trademarks. We reserve the right to deny your application on these grounds.

Traffic Geography

The Company does have geographical restrictions, in that it currently monetizes traffic exclusively from the USA.

Due to our current geographical coverage, if your site does not have a significant amount of traffic from this region, we cannot monetize your content.

We will not take evasive action against a publisher that does not fulfill the Traffic Geography Guidelines, however, we may deny your application to ensure you avoid disappointment with our service.

Affiliate Networks

The Company doesn’t work with any Affiliate Networks to enable the connections between Publisher sites and Merchant sites. We are using blockchain technology to track and reward the affiliate sales commission that are specified by the Company marketplace and blockchain-based affiliate platform retail partners. For further details contact the Company Email.