Add-Free, Cookieless, Privacy-First Approach

Consumer-Centric Shopping Experience

We Are Not Selling YOU, We Are Empowering YOU to Make the Best Decisions on mCart Markit.Places

mCart Is the End of Consumer As-A-Product Model
Support Our Adless, Cookieless, Privacy-First Approach:

Giving Shoppers the Best of Both...

What they love about online shopping:

  • Access to wide range of products any time of the day
  • Search and filters to narrow down their search.
  • Compare products
  • Optimize deals with coupons and promotions
  • Read Reviews

What they love about offline shopping:

  • Shopping with pals
  • Touch, feel and fit
  • Not having to wait days or weeks to get the item delivered to them
  • User privacy
  • Working with offline sale people

No Advertisement,  

No Consumer-as-a-Product Model   

mCart engine is truly  consumer-centric and only focuses on aggregation and optimization of data and information of the product (Purpose, Privacy, Price Comparison, Promotions, Proximity, Popularity, Preferences) that shoppers browse in mCart Markitplaces or save in their mCarts. mCart platform: 

  • Doesn’t track, target & retarget shoppers, doesn’t sell them As-A-Product and never show them an ad to encourage consumerism.
  • Doesn’t use biased algorithms to limit or alter our lives and choices.
  • Allows individuals, influencers and entities to  monetize their content and track their influence on sales, leveraging blockchain transparency.
    The emerging decentralized world wide web 3.0 is starting to take shape. It will still has all the services we love from Web 2.0  —  but the siloed, walled gardened, centralized one where you and your identity are culled and collected, scrutinized, monetized, bought, stolen and sold  is over on Web 3.0. In this decentralized World Wide Web,  YOU are the one in control.

mCart is a Mirror of the World You Trust!

Shoppers who make a purchase decision on any of the mCart Markitplaces, will be automatically routed to the checkout of the stores they trust and complete their purchase in those websites or stores.

This way, they don’t have to give away any sensitive personal or credit card information. They can buy, return and exchange at stores they trust and even communicate with offline sales people at those stores and put products on hold to try or pick up!